Friday, February 6, 2009

Sell Your Home FAST

To make your home stand out and be the first one in your neighborhood to sell, visit open houses in your immediate area.

How can this possibly help you sell your home? You will have first-hand knowledge about your competition!

As you approach the open-house does the building and lawn positively or negatively stimulate you visually? Has care been taken to create a welcoming, pleasant first impression? Many times buyers will just have me keep driving and not even stop at a house if the outside is neglected.

When you walk into the open-house, is there an inviting atmosphere; or, are there so many personal momentos on the walls and displayed on tables and on shelves that you have a hard time seeing past it?

Regardless of the actual size, does it feel spacious or does the furniture make it feel cramped and awkward? If you are unsure how to arrange the furniture in the house you are selling, ask your realtor to arrange a meeting with a professional stager at your house.

Does the color pallette of the walls and curtains reflect the personal taste of the owners; or, is it a fresh, neutral canvas inviting visitors to visualize their own belongings in each room?

Is it clean? This may seem like an elementary question, but buyers will look at the window panes, in the shower stalls, under cabinets, inside closets, and examine the floors carefully. Dust, stains, and mold will banish many buyers.

How does your home compare to the open-houses you have viewed? Is it priced overpriced or priced competitively for your area?

To sell your house FAST, be the most visually pleasing house in the area and be extremely reasonable in your pricing. Remember negotiating for a house should create a win/win situation.

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